Unique Spanish Baby Girl Names Starting with W with Meanings

Explore a curated list of unique Spanish baby girl names starting with W, along with their meanings. Choose a meaningful and distinctive name for your little one.

Unique Spanish Baby Girl Names Starting with W with Meanings
Unique Spanish Baby Girl Names Starting with W with Meanings

100 Unique Spanish Baby Girl Names Starting With W With Meanings

Check out a diverse list of 100 unique Spanish baby girl names starting with W, each with its unique meaning. Find the perfect and meaningful name for your little one with this extensive collection.

Spanish Girl Names Starting with W

    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waabisah is a unique and exotic name, reflecting cultural richness and heritage.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waafiyah is an intriguing and distinctive name, often chosen for its mystique and elegance.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Waahag is a rare and enigmatic name, evoking curiosity and intrigue.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic waahiba, meaning “giver” or “bestower.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waahibah is a generous and benevolent name, reflecting the qualities of kindness and generosity.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic waahid, meaning “unique” or “singular.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waahida is a name of strength and individuality, often chosen for its significance as a symbol of uniqueness and distinctiveness.
    • Meaning: Feminine form of Waahid, meaning “unique” or “singular” in Arabic.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waahidah is a strong and empowering name, representing independence and individuality.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waizhah is a mysterious and alluring name, captivating the imagination with its exotic charm.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic waajid, meaning “one who finds” or “one who discovers.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waajida is a name of curiosity and exploration, signifying a seeker of knowledge and truth.
    • Meaning: Feminine form of Waajid, meaning “one who finds” or “one who discovers” in Arabic.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waajidah is a name representing intellectual curiosity and spiritual quest, often chosen for its association with wisdom and enlightenment.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic waali, meaning “supporter” or “guardian.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waaliyah is a name of strength and protection, symbolizing support and guardianship.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic waarith, meaning “heir” or “successor.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waarithah is a name symbolizing inheritance and legacy, often chosen for its significance in familial lineage.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waasifah is an intriguing and mysterious name, evoking a sense of wonder and fascination.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic waasil, meaning “connection” or “link.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waasilah is a name representing unity and connection, often chosen for its significance in fostering relationships and bonds.
  14. WABA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Waba is a unique and enigmatic name, capturing attention with its simplicity and mystery.
  15. WABAL
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Wabal is a name with an air of intrigue and allure, suggesting depth and complexity.
  16. WABIBA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Wabiba is a captivating and mysterious name, resonating with a sense of fascination and wonder.
  17. WABIS
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Wabis is a name shrouded in mystery, intriguing with its uniqueness and individuality.
  18. WABISA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Wabisa is a name that sparks curiosity and imagination, inviting exploration and discovery.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Unknown.
    • Country: Not specified.
    • Description: Wabisah is a name with an aura of mystery and allure, captivating with its enigmatic charm.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Native American (Sioux).
    • Country: Indigenous to Native American communities.
    • Description: Wachiwi is a beautiful and unique name from Sioux origin, often chosen for its cultural significance and connection to Native American heritage.
  21. WADHAA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadhaa is a unique and exotic name, reflecting cultural richness and heritage.
  22. WADI
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadi is a short and mysterious name, evoking images of serene valleys and natural beauty.
  23. WADIA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadia is an intriguing and distinctive name, often chosen for its mystique and elegance.
  24. WADIAH
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadiah is a captivating and enigmatic name, resonating with a sense of mystery and allure.
  25. WADIDA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadida is a name with an air of elegance and sophistication, often chosen for its unique sound and charm.
  26. WADIQA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadiqa is a name representing strength and integrity, symbolizing noble qualities and character.
  27. WADIYA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadiya is a name evoking images of vast wilderness and natural beauty, reflecting a connection to nature and the environment.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wadiyah is a name imbued with tranquility and peace, evoking a sense of calmness and serenity.
  29. WAEEAH
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waeeah is a name with an aura of mystery and allure, captivating with its enigmatic charm.
  30. WAELAH
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waelah is a name that resonates with strength and resilience, symbolizing determination and fortitude.
  31. WAFA
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic wafā, meaning “loyalty” or “faithfulness.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafa is a name embodying loyalty and devotion, often chosen for its noble connotations.
  32. WAFAA
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic wafā, meaning “loyalty” or “faithfulness.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafaa is a name representing sincerity and loyalty, reflecting a strong sense of commitment and dedication.
  33. WAFAH
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic wafā, meaning “loyalty” or “faithfulness.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafah is a name evoking qualities of loyalty and trustworthiness, often chosen for its honorable connotations.
  34. WAFDA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafda is a name shrouded in mystery and intrigue, captivating with its uniqueness and individuality.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic wafīq, meaning “successful” or “agreeable.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafeeqa is a name symbolizing success and harmony, often chosen for its positive associations.
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic wafīq, meaning “successful” or “agreeable.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafeeqah is a name representing achievement and compatibility, reflecting qualities of success and harmony.
  37. WAFFA
    • Meaning: Derived from Arabic wafā, meaning “loyalty” or “faithfulness.”
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Waffa is a name embodying loyalty and devotion, often chosen for its noble connotations.
  38. WAFIA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafia is a name with an air of mystery and elegance, captivating with its uniqueness and charm.
  39. WAFIKA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafika is a name that resonates with strength and resilience, symbolizing determination and fortitude.
  40. WAFIQA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiqa is a name with an aura of sophistication and grace, often chosen for its elegant sound and beauty.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiqah is a name that exudes charm and grace, often chosen for its elegance and sophistication.
  42. WAFIYA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiya is a name with an air of mystery and allure, captivating with its enigmatic charm.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiyah is a name that resonates with strength and resilience, symbolizing determination and fortitude.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiyya is a name that exudes elegance and sophistication, often chosen for its refined and dignified sound.
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiyyah is a name that reflects inner strength and resilience, symbolizing perseverance and determination.
  46. WAFIZA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafiza is a name that evokes a sense of mystery and allure, captivating with its enigmatic charm.
  47. WAFQAH
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wafqah is a name that resonates with harmony and balance, often chosen for its positive associations.
  48. WAGIHA
    • Meaning: The meaning of this name is not readily available.
    • Origins: Arabic.
    • Country: Commonly used in Arabic-speaking countries.
    • Description: Wagihah is a name that exudes confidence and strength, symbolizing courage and resilience.

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Unique Spanish Baby Girl Names Starting With V With Meanings

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